Bobby Britton

15 July 2022. Today I went to the candidate forum hosted by Baste, a Republican political organization. The whole process was really more about showcasing the Republican candidates as evidenced by the Baste merchandise, ‘The Four Real Republican’ candidate signs, and the moderator being a known Republican activist. Those four are Pat Burns, Tony Strickland, Gracey van der Mark, and Casey McKeon. They did invite other candidates, I’m not sure if it went out to everyone. Some of the others were; Kenneth Inouye, a very distinguished and respectful fellow. Amory Hanson, a very smart and passionate fellow. Michael Vogler, a member of the California State Guard, a militia organization that is not federally recognized. He is a lawyer by trade. Some guy that was there as a proxy for another guy that no one understood why he was there. Another interesting fellow who was a self-proclaimed ‘gun toting antivaxxer hard right conservative’. Overall it was painful as there were 13 candidates and nearly zero time to ask more than a few questions. It started out poorly as well because when Kenneth was describing who he was, he mentioned that HB was a hotbed for skinheads several decades back, and fellow named Luke Dennis rudely said, ‘That’s a lie’. Kenneth replied it wasn’t, Luke said it was, and they went back and forth for a while. I took notes and thought that Casey performed the best; he was moderate, cogent, measured in his response, and knowledgeable about each subject. The other Republicans mostly parroted what he said. I attended as an observer as I had to withdraw my candidacy several weeks ago. The Army denied my request for an exception to policy to allow me to campaign while still active duty. Now I have to wait until 1 August to refile.
28 August 2022. As a leader in the Army I grew accustomed to addressing large crowds, usually to disseminate information, often to rally the troops to motivate them and give them resolve to accomplish an important task. I would still be nervous. but it was more of an acknowledgement that I was nervous without thinking about it too much. Today was very intimidating for me, speaking in front of the largest political crowd I’ve spoken to so far. So nervous in fact I forgot just about everything I wanted to say and so what I did speak about was almost all off the cuff. And it’s hard to tell how it was received because I’m still learning how to gauge my new audiences. I went to a Meet and Greet for Jodie Mancuso, hosted by an amazing lady named Dom Jones. Yes, all you Republicans who are reading this are probably cringing, but, hear me out. Don’t worry so much about Party affiliation. That’s probably our biggest issue in this Nation right now. No one is allowed to look at anyone outside their Party. It’s modern day segregation and it’s not healthy. So, I found Jodie to be a very passionate lady focused on many issues we all are concerned about, but by far I’m most impressed by her advocacy for animals. Regarding Dom, she’s probably the most congenial, positive person I’ve ever met. She is without bias or prejudice. I dare anyone to have the courage or humility to be that way. Later that day I went to an ice cream store with my daughter and I just happened to be holding some of my business cards. The gentlemen behind me asked if I was running for city council, and I said yes. We spoke for a few minutes, and I gave him a card. I mention this because it is counter to what I keep thinking will happen, which is people are already negatively biased against anyone running for office. He seemed genuinely interested, and that is refreshing. I’m not running for City Council because I want to be rich, I’m running because I want to serve my community, so it’s nice to see others who are supportive.
30 August 2022. Yesterday when I went roller skating with my daughter in downtown and I put my business card on some of the street poles. Today I got an email from a fellow that wants to talk. Kinda neat, I think. My advertising campaign is working. Today I walked along Garfield and Florida, and I must have caught the perfect time to do it because I ended up talking to a few people who were locals. Briefly, but still getting out there to interact with folks. Also had a very good discussion with another candidate, Gina, who is a bit of a powerhouse in name recognition, funds, and knowledge of local issues. That meant a lot to me because in just my few months of politics I’ve seen just how insensitive and brutal folks can be for no apparent reason I can understand. She was genuine and called me as a mentor and friend. Very classy. In the very early days of our country politicians weren’t paid for their office, it was a civic duty. I’m sure there were kickbacks due to being in a position of influence/power, but I would like to think that serving your community was the first reason to run for an office you weren’t paid for. I state this because HB City Council is a part time position and while it’s compensated, the money made is not a lot for what the council does. So love or hate the members sitting there today, I think those folks negatively ranting about the council is doing them a disservice. Disagree with their policies, don’t attack them or their character. Each one I’ve talked to cares about the City.
31 August 2022. Today was interesting, I had two interviews for endorsements. First was the HB Fire, and that was actually a fun interview. While I’d love the endorsement, what I found most beneficial is talking to folks from the City who are engaged and can relate to me what they see as sustains and what needs improvement. Most of all, I love discussions where we can disagree without rancor. In any case, I feel I did ok but we addressed my biggest challenge; people don’t know who I am, and as one of five democrats running where the other four are Party endorsed, it’ll be a tough race for me. The Republicans are trying to run a smarter race by endorsing and supporting just four candidates so they don’t split the vote. Reality is though with 18 candidates, the vote is going to be split and it is hard to determine which four will be elected. Anywhooo…the other interview was very interesting and not at all what I expected. I applied to the Young Democrats of Orange County a few weeks ago. I got an email late this morning stating they were meeting tonight to hear candidates speak. I’m glad I checked my email! When I arrived it was a bit chaotic. There were about 35 people in a space made for less than 15. I had no idea who anyone was and I was definitely overdressed compared to everyone else, which I’m fine with. I was taught early on when applying for a job, dress like you really want to get it. The majority of the folks there were young, which made sense, but I did not know who anyone was. An interesting side note, one of the Dem Party executive members walked up to the gentlemen standing next to me and talked to him for a bit, said hi to the other fellow standing next to me, and then walked away without acknowledging me, even though I was clearly standing in front of him. As my daughter would say with a funny accent…’rude’. A young lady who identified herself with a title that I don’t remember then started the meeting describing how it was going to proceed. I still didn’t know who anyone was, so I asked, and she had the committee members stand up. Quite a few people stood up and it didn’t really help because everyone was lumped together in the same small space. And then we started. Candidates were given 2 minutes to speak, in front of everyone. This was the most enjoyable part because I was able to hear so many different great stories and see people trying to better their communities. I never once felt anyone running was there to build a path to Governor or the Senate. They all seemed to genuinely care about their local issues. When it came to me I already knew I was not in a safe place as I was one of the oldest folks there, no one knew who I was, and I was not party endorsed whereas the other two candidates from HB under review were. So, I told them a story about Napoleon’s Corporal. Legend has it that Napoleon would always have a young soldier in the tent with him when his generals would brief him on a plan. If the corporal didn’t understand it, they would redo the plan. Then I explained how as a leader in the army I always did that same thing, and I would continue to do it as an elected official. Young people often have better and more innovative ways of doing things than us older folks have. Tomorrow I’m going to a candidate forum where I’ll have the chance to speak for five minutes. That is a lot of time for a politician to talk, I admire their boldness.
6 September 2022. Tonight was the first time I addressed the council, and there was a decent sized audience. I spoke, and my goal was to underscore the distinct partisan divide within the city. It definitely fell flat. I either got blank stares or avoided gazes. I still think the point was valid, but either my delivery was off or folks didn’t not understand my point. It’s tough sometimes trying to navigate all this. Here is the speech in its entirety. Hi, I’m Bobby Britton and I’m running for City Council along with the other 3,000 candidates. I deployed to Afghanistan in 2013 to a place called Tarin Kot, where the Taliban was formed and launched their campaign to enslave their nation in a harsh, hardline theocracy. When I was there I came to realize it wasn’t the Taliban that was actually causing most of the problems, it was the centuries old feuds between tribes. But the Afghans were smart, and they fostered the idea with all the coalition advisors that there were hordes of Taliban perpetrating the endless atrocities around the city. That wasn’t the case where I was. It was almost all tribal disputes. Instead of working together to resolve issues with the best case solution, they continually fought each other, vying for control of resources and the narrative. I’m admittedly new to Huntington Beach, however, my being new here gives me some insight into the local politics that I think most folks no longer see. And that is everyone is too busy trying to prove why they are right instead of working on what is right, as in collaborating to meet a common ground. I’ll use the charter amendment for the City Attorney as an example. I’ll ask two questions, one for each of the opposition sides, and let you fight it out in social media. For context, I’ll state the situation, in very simplistic terms. The City Attorney is an elected official, and currently in the charter advises the City Council. So, here are the two questions: This is for the Council. The charter amendment is designed to address a gap in accountability, i.e., which is the if the attorney does not want to support the council, there is no mechanism in place to hold the attorney accountable because the position answers to the people, not the council. The problem we face now is the amendment changes who the CA is accountable to without changing the process in which the position is filled, thereby creating a conflict of interest. Knowing the city is a Republican majority, and opposes the charter amendment, why didn’t the Council instead work to build a better consensus, then ask voters to appoint a City Attorney instead of electing one?   And for the opposition. If the CA works for the people, as the position is elected by them, then who does he work for during the week? He certainly hasn’t reached out to me to see what I want done. If the tables were turned and there was a Republican majority on the council with a Democrat as the elected City Attorney, you know that the council would want the City Attorney to be accountable to the council. So, the question to you, is why aren’t you willing to work to achieve a reasonable compromise that is supports a healthy government? Lastly, considering the sharp division between the two parties in our city, why do we have a non partisan election? Why don’t we have districts that run a partisan race so that candidates can truly focus on their area they reside in and provide better support to their constituents?
19 September 2022. Had an endorsement interview this morning, and each time I have an interview now it’s like school kids teasing me for something. One of the questions always asked is how much money do I have and how is my fund raising going, which translates what is the likelihood of me being elected because no one wants to endorse a loser. The only PAC so far that went with character over money has been OC Huddle, which I appreciate. Meanwhile, I had a FB messenger conversation with a gentlemen named Gino Bruno. His first question to me was a good one that I actually took a couple of weeks to learn about before answering, and that was the charter amendment changes. I agree with two, but don’t support the City Attorney change because it isn’t the right solution to the problem. The CA should work for the City Council, which means the CA should be appointed, not elected. The amendment changes the CA to work for the CC, which is smart, but doesn’t change the process to get a CA, which the majority in HB opposes. Anyhow, his next question was to ask me what I disagree with Gina and Oscar, which I found to be a real jackass question. He wanted ‘dirt’ to spout about and I wasn’t having any of it. I told him they are my friends and if he had asked me how I differ from all 17 candidates, I would have answered that. Instead it became petty and that ended the conversation. And I have come to the realization that door knocking is not my thing. I don’t like it and I have not had a good experience with it. People look at me like I’m selling vacuums and are just short of slamming the door in my face. Meanwhile, I can start putting signs out in town, which I will do today and tomorrow, probably over the next few days. I could have started at 1201 this morning, but choose to sleep instead. I’m too old to do crazy things like that anymore.
22 September 2022. Tonight the candidates had five minutes to talk to a small group of folks from Sunset Beach, a small strip of land between the ocean and Huntington Harbor, along PCH. Population about 970, and their Mayor is Diamond, a small dog who did not seem happy to be there. The two candidates for City Attorney attacked each other and it was rather uncomfortable. I spoke second, and I said I agreed with a comment that Gracey van der Mark made about public safety being the most important thing a government is supposed to provide. That did not sit well with some folks and I was counseled about it the next day, because Gracey is a holocaust denier and has ties to white extremist groups. Fair enough. Meanwhile, I didn’t take the entire five minutes for a couple of reasons. One, the actual attendance of folks from that community was maybe 20. The rest were all the same usual suspects that supported their particular candidate, and the majority of those folks were there for the ‘Four Real Republicans’. Two, I knew it was going to be a long night, so I wanted to be short and impactful to those that hadn’t heard me yet. I let them know I was aware of their main challenge, which is homeless folks parking in the public parking area all night, and with that all the attendant problems with a group of homeless people. Last, I wanted to underscore my subtle narrative that political party doesn’t matter as much as character and the willingness to collaborate. And that got me the chastising.
3 October 2022. While I’m trying to run a campaign I’m also looking for a job, which in of itself is a full time and very frustrating job. I’ve had quite a few second and even some third interviews, but I’m just missing the mark somewhere. I did get an offer to be an instructor for JROTC at Magnolia HS (I was their second choice, and got the offer after the other fellow moved on). However, it’ll be a month before I can start because of paperwork. So, I’m still looking, just in case. As for the campaign, if it wasn’t for OC Huddle, I don’t think anyone in the City would know I exist, even with all the hand shaking I’m doing. I just came to the realization that most of the prominent candidates running have already run before, so they had street cred and resources. Now I know. I still think despite the lack of money, or ‘viable campaign’ that Mark Bixby stated, or name recognition, that I’ll do ok. Probably more from the fact that OC Huddle has pushed my name out and because there are 8 Republicans running, so there is bound to be vote splitting. Should be interesting. And I’m a pragmatic realist who has promised transparency on my campaign. If you’re actually reading this then I hope that is clear. Here is a summation of my campaign so far: – I’ve applied for 9 endorsements to various organizations, received one, from OC Huddle. – I’m down to $500 of campaign money and I still owe 1,800 – I have not been able to set up any meet and greets. I have one more lead, who wants to meet with me next week.  – I’ve put up my signs all over town, a couple of folks have mentioned to me that they’ve seen them.  – I’ve been walking with my sign nearly every day, and folks have said they’ve seen me around town.  – I received a campaign contribution yesterday from someone I’ve never heard of or contacted.  – I’m number two on the ballot.  – OC Huddle has me on all their printed guides and on their website. 
Thank you to those that helped me. As this was my first political foray it was rather intimidating and the learning curve was steep. A few of you were willing to put aside that this is a competition for limited seats and help me understand the process as well as provide insight into issues within the City. As for the City, that was and is my number one focus, to lend my support to sustaining HB’s health and welfare. There are definitely some decidedly different opinions between us as to how that should happen, and that’s fine. That should be considered an advantage, provided we can work through those differences to achieve shared goals. I’m a little taken aback at some of the very negative campaigning, but, as I am currently scandal free and as of yet an unknown, none were directed at me. And I vow to never attack others. I will question policies and procedures, but I won’t attack a person. As a career military officer I often had to work for someone I didn’t respect or I disagreed with their methods, but, because I’m a professional they never knew it. I would do my duties to the best of my ability and support those in charge as if I selected them myself. I offer the same to those four that are elected next week; if you need genuine altruistic assistance to support the City, you can call on me. As long as what you’re doing is legal, ethical, and morally acceptable, I will support the Council regardless of its political leaning. But, to be fair, if I don’t agree with you or your policies, I will vote for someone else in the following election. To all of you I wish you well next week. Cheers. 
11 November 2022. Well, most of the ballots are in, so it doesn’t look like I won a seat. I might just ask the 9 candidates that received more votes than me to just withdraw so I can move up into the top four. In reality the Fab Four won because the City was tired of a tone deaf Council. The Democratic majority on the Council tried to force their agenda in a Republican majority City. This loss to the Right isn’t a surprise, at least not to me. I talked to more Conservatives on the campaign trail than I did to Democrats, simply because I encountered more on my walks around town. I did warn everyone on the Dem party, but my opinion didn’t carry much weight as I was the new guy. I will use my loss to refine my strategy and prepare the next race. It likely won’t be for City Council, as least not me running as a Democrat for CC. The three incumbents up for re-election in two years are all Democrats, so I doubt the DPOC will support anyone else, and I’d just run into the same problem I had this election. I’m considering being an Independent because honestly I’m really tired of the acrimony based on Parties. Way too many people will only vote based on party affiliation instead of the merits of the candidate. I’ve always just been barely a Democrat, and not quite a Republican. I’m that close to center line, which is incredibly difficult to market when everyone is so polarized. I asked Pat Burns to meet with me because I respect him and his campaign points. I don’t agree with everything, but I’d like to present myself as an unbiased candidate for a City commission seat. We’ll see. I’ll be back on sometime in the future and I’ll keep a running tab of my next election campaign.
4 February 2023. Although I didn’t win I haven’t left, just been taking a break. I sent this email to the Mayor and City Council Members: Mayor, Council Members, During the campaign I had the opportunity to speak to many residents, as I know you did. Some highlights from those conversations for your consideration.  Divide the City into districts with partisan candidates. This will help provide better focus for the voters and the candidates on the topics in their particular area. For example, I live in Bella Terra with its own set of concerns (like the apartments being crammed into the Burlington Coat Factory), contrasted with the Edison Park concerns 5 miles away at the other end of the City.  High Density Housing. The majority of folks I spoke to are opposed to more apartments, but many are also concerned with the penalties and/or retribution from Governor Newsome if we don’t comply. The real crux of the problem is we don’t have the infrastructure to support more apartment buildings. Again, using Bella Terra as an example, Edinger/Beach is a mess, and we just built an In And Out there. Going to Costco to get gas is almost a full contact sport. How is it going to support 400 more apartments? There are methods that can legally delay building without incorporating reprisals until Mr. Gates can build an effective case. HB was built on indigenous land and then the oil boom hit. Between the two, historical preservation and/or EPA concerns, there might be enough sufficient reasons not to do immediate builds until Mr. Gates can potentially sort it out with Sacramento.  Partisan retribution. While a Democrat I was vocal to my Party about how the previous council was often tone deaf and appeared to push an agenda that did not consider the City is a Republican majority. Now that the pendulum has swung back to Red, I ask that in your machinations you don’t penalize the minority party out of spite. That is a significant issue with our Nation right now, our politics are too binary with too much animosity. You have an opportunity to appeal to your base while still incorporating the minority residents.  First Responders. Most folks I spoke to were happy with our Police/Fire/Marine Safety. Those in the know however were frustrated with the attrition due to other cities paying higher salaries. When I spoke to the POA, there appeared to be a disconnect between their agenda, the PD, and residents in goals.  Not so much for Fire. I recommend an independent panel to look into all aspects and provide you a report with recommendations.  Mobile Home rent control. This is a major concern for the 17 parks that rent their space. It is a little concerning that none of the four members recently elected seemed to be interested in this topic. The request is fairly simple, please set rent stabilization to allow those residents the chance to continue to own their homes. Mobile Homes are not apartments, there are some significant differences. Many of those homes house seniors.  Homeless population. This isn’t just an HB problem, it’s regional. Jailing folks overnight and releasing them the next day isn’t a solution, nor is moving them to another city. There are plenty of folks roving around nearby that will just fill in voids. We need to partner with our neighboring cities to build a regional plan. And the County needs to help. My recommendation is to take those that are a threat to themselves or others and put them in the underutilized State hospital in Costa Mesa. Triage them and if they can be released, great. If not, then we figure out a long-term care plan so they don’t hurt themselves or others. I agree with you that the problems associated with people who shower naked at the beach, leave drug paraphernalia in our parks, build shanty towns with no sanitation accountability, and threaten our residents aren’t acceptable.  Human trafficking. I heard a few times that there is trafficking in HB.  I spoke to Chief Parra and he said he would look into it. While I find it unlikely there is an actual human trafficking presence here, I do think it’s important for it to be considered since it was mentioned to me by different individuals at different times while I was campaigning. 

15 July 2023. I’m supporting Dom Jones for Congress. Her Democrat contenders, JW doesn’t live this district, and DM was arrested for drunk driving. But, Ada Briceño still supports them despite that because she is more focused on quantity, not quality. She had the audacity to tell me I need to run a better campaign next time when it was the DPOC that bailed on me and then all the Dems completely lost the election in Huntington Beach. That was it for me, I left the Dem party and I’m an independent now. I don’t much agree with the methods of the new city council, I feel they are just a repeat of the last one, hyper focused on pushing their own personal agenda without really listening to the constituents. Some of their ideas have merit but they are polarized too much, and instead of dialogue it’s just do what I say. This includes the back door deal for the air show. That’s sketchy and as taxpayers, we have a right to know what the settlement really states. The next race will likely again be interesting.